Shadow of war multiplayer coop
Shadow of war multiplayer coop

shadow of war multiplayer coop

  • Straying from the pack is rarely a good idea unless it's to flank enemies.
  • shadow of war multiplayer coop

    Please note that in Campaign if even one of your teammates die, you will get a game over. Rush to save teammates whenever possible. A downed teammate is always a high priority no matter what mode your playing.

  • You don't have be a hero, but you should always be the medic.
  • Don't forget that you can also share ammo and swap weapons with each other! If you find another power weapon, spot it for your team, this strategy will spread out firepower and allow more damage to be dealt twice as fast. While co-oping its not advisable to have one guy with a Torque Bow and a Boomshot and to leave the other guy using his basic weapons. Enemy Frags, Boomshots, and Gunkers are likely to down multiple teammates during these situations.
  • While important to stick as a team, avoid clustering together too close.
  • Focus Fire will devastate enemies twice as fast, shoot at the same target to down enemies even quicker.
  • Communication is always important for any co-op scenario, but if for some reason that can't be done, use the Spotting Marker(Aim + LS) on enemies and weapons to let your team know of potential threats and goodies scattered across the battlefield.
  • The Vulcan Cannon is a co-op Weapon, 1 holds the gun, 1 holds the ammo box, this is still highly effective as the Cannon will dish out more damage then 2 players could ever deal with their basic weapons.
  • In 4 player co-op the buddy system is a great way to play, 2 teams of 2 will allow you to spread the battlefield, flank enemies, and keep each other alive much more easily.
  • Sticking together will make your team more effective, 2-4 vs.

  • Shadow of war multiplayer coop